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Does My 6-Year-Old Have ADHD, Anxiety Or Both?

Knowing the difference of ADHD and Anxiety in children

Children with ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder face many challenges. No matter what stage of dealing with these conditions a family is at ---- still trying to obtain an official diagnosis, have just received one, or have an established diagnosis --- there are often many questions. For example, parents may wonder how the two conditions are related or how treatments can be applied correctly.

What Is The Difference Between ADHD & Anxiety?

Anxiety and ADHD are distinctly different conditions; however, they often occur together in children. Additionally, because they present with similar symptoms, the two have a high rate of misdiagnosis. Therefore, it is essential to get a correct diagnosis since treatments, such as anxiety and ADHD medication for kids, are generally not the same.

The core difference between the two disorders is what is causing a child's lack of focus. Anxiety is typically diagnosed when children are consumed by worrisome thoughts to the point that they are not able to focus on anything else.

Alternately, children with ADHD cannot focus despite an otherwise calm mind. In fact, symptoms are often more pronounced in otherwise quiet and calm situations.

ADHD/Anxiety Symptoms In 6-Year-Olds

No matter how many differences there are between ADHD and anxiety in children, there are also similarities. Many of them are in how the disorders present to others.

ADHD in young children is characterized by the inability to pay attention or sit still, especially in quiet surroundings. However, many young children with the disorder also experience symptoms, including:

  • Mood swings
  • Extreme sensitivity
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Difficulty controlling emotions

Meanwhile, common symptoms of anxiety in 6-year-olds often include:

  • Fears of animals, monsters, bugs, and other seemingly harmless things
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Increased worrying and sensitivity
  • Wanting to sleep with parents
  • Stomach pain or loss of appetite

As you can see, 6-year-old anxiety symptoms have many similarities when compared to the most common symptoms of ADHD in children. Some, like wanting to sleep with his parents, are considered a normal part of childhood. Unfortunately, this often leads to misdiagnosis or parental dismissal of early symptoms.

Finding Support for ADHD & Anxiety in Children

Luckily, support is available for families liviing with childhood anxiety and ADHD. Treatments often include therapy and medications. However, for several reasons, some families choose to skip pharmaceuticals. For example, they can often lead to dependency, and the side effects are often harder to handle than the condition being treated.

As an alternative, many individuals have turned to natural treatments instead of prescription medications. Thesis ADHD supplements are specialized nootropics that are all natural; however, they can have potentially serious side effects. Natural homeopathic alternatives have also been shown to be safe for children as young as five years old.

Families with a child with ADHD or anxiety disorder must make an effort to understand how the two conditions are related and how they differ. This information can help them arrive at a correct diagnosis and find effective treatments. Those may include psychotherapy, prescription medications, and natural therapies.